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Re-engage with your Past Buyers

By Apoorv Kashyap

An on-going campaign to engage with past buyers is a proven way to improve customer engagement. With re-engagement, it is relatively simple to earn top-line sales with minimal effort. This kind of campaign can run weekly or monthly, depending on the size of the audience and complexity of the martech stack. These campaigns are typically run with email as activation, but can also be activated in app notifications, display ads, and other channels. 

You are most likely already actively engaging with past and recent buyers in various targeted campaigns throughout the year. Here are three ways Marketers and CRM executives can do more.  

1. Minimal-faff approach

Use your email campaign system – look at open rates and click-thru rates, filter out the CRM entries with declining CTR, and target these. Some basic-ish CRM, email reporting, and eCommerce transaction reporting magic can lead to a basic campaign that should be able to yield 1-2% uplift, which is a great start if you are just getting started in this area.

If you’ve already done the above and you were hoping for better results, or if your business’ definition of lapsing customer is more complex than email click-through rates and purchases on the website, or if getting all the data from CRM, email system, and e-commerce confirmed sales is too complicated of a data pipeline, then you have the following two options.

2. Just do it approach with DIY, SaaS, or BI

Use some automation, like Zapier or IFTTT, to Do It Yourself (DIY) automate the above pipelines and build better / more complex queries to identify the lapsing customer.  

If you have access to half-decent IT function, then perhaps you can request for this to be built in your Business Intelligence (BI) system but in the mid-long term, it might become too onerous to maintain and manage with IT’s involvement.  

The BI or analytics function in your org might also be able to provide aggregated reports on the above data, if you don’t mind rolling up your sleeves in merging/wrangling the data. The downside is that aggregated data is less useful in driving more meaningful, topical, or personalized campaigns – like the one for lapsing customers.

3. Sustainable data-centric approach

Your organization is already using a cloud platform like AWS or GCP. In your own cloud or Syntasa SaaS cloud, Syntasa software can automate the data pipelines from your key CRM, Email, and eCommerce systems. This gives you access to the data in a repeatable and low maintenance manner.  

Additionally, already included with Syntasa is a game-changer dataset from your web analytics on a per-cookie level that can tie together what each individual past customer has done on the website, and how that compares to a typical journey of someone who goes from lapser to engager. This dataset makes Syntasa identify lapsing customers with much better precision using our configurable out-of-box Machine Learning models.   

The Syntasa drag-and-drop interface allows you to create a lapsing campaign as well as an email campaign using Adobe Campaign (or Marketo), Salesforce Exact Target (or Pardot), or Oracle Responsys (or Eloqua). It can start as a display or search campaign using GMP, onsite using Adobe Test & Target, or a combination of the above. 

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